Sunday, October 23, 2011


We will be using facebook as well as this website to update you on time changes and other important information. Facebook page is under "Lindbergh Wrestling".

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Spirit Festival

Wrestling Sponsored Dunking Booth at Spirit Festival
Located in the Sports Challenge Area- by the inflatables

Spread the word!

Here is the schedule of participants offered for dunking so far:
10:00-11:00 Mary McCartney
11:0-12:00 Gretchen Moser
12:00-1:00 Brad Snyder
1:00-2:00 Coach Ball
2:00-3 Coach Hansel

Wrestlers: Looking for some willing participants to sit in the booth to be dunked. Have time slots opened from 3:00-5pm. The time slot can be as short as 15 minutes. Does not need to be a full hour. Students or teachers!

We are still in need a few helpers on Saturday. All parents received an email requesting their help- check it out and reply to Mrs. Rogers if you can help fill one of the time slots still available. We sure would love to see you on Saturday!

If you have any questions, please feel free to call or text me at 314-910-9555 – Susie Green (Cory’s mom)

Open Room

Open rooms will be Tuesdays and Thursdays at 4:00 starting on June 7th. Any questions, contact Coach Hansel.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Team Summer Camps

After careful consideration (travel and money)it seems that Mizzou is once again, our best option.(by a long shot) This year's camp will start on Sunday June 12 and run until Thursday June 16. We will leave LHS at 12:00 on Sunday and be back at LHS by 3:00 on Thursday. We are looking to take close to 20 wrestlers, so if you are interested contact Coach Hansel at We can discuss the price at that time.
Also, LHS camp will be Monday July 11 through Thursday July 14. We will have an online brochure through the LHS website in the near future.

Monday, February 21, 2011


All equipment needs to be turned in by Friday February 25. Coach Hansel will be in the wrestling every day this week from 2:30-3:30. Also, all lockers need to be cleaned out by this Friday. Coaches will be cutting locks on Friday after school. Any questions or concerns, please contact coach Hansel.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

LHS Wrestling Banquet

For those wrestlers who did not get a flyer, here is the information for the banquet.
Place: Royale Orleans Banquet Center/ 2801 Telegraph Rd
Date: March 2, 2011
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Cost: $15 per person (see coach Hansel if this is a problem)
RSVP: Reply by February 25,2011

Please send payment and information to: Rebecca Stransky-Perry, 10921 Schoenfeld ct, St. Louis, MO, 63123

For any questions please contact Rebecca Stransky-Perry at 314-703-2288 or

Practice Today February 2

We will have an optional practice today at 3:00 p.m.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Practice for Wednesday February 2

Check back at 12:00 p.m. tomorrow 2/2/11 for practice announcement.


If you can get a work out in without leaving home please do so. We well keep you posted on pratice tomrrow.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

No Practice Today 1/20!!!

Pracitce for all three levels is cancelled today Thursday 1/20. Contact Coach Hansel with any questions.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tuesday's with Tommy

Last Wednesday we vanquished Fox in a team on team version of wrestling competition; Fox neglected to bring a complete team. The score was very one sided towards us as was to be expected. Although the win was essentially a “give me”, we still did exceptionally well as a team; we won all but a few matches (Many praises be made upon Lars and Blake who got pulled up on varsity and preformed beautifully).
After that delicious win over Fox and some passage of time we moved forward to the mind numbing weekend that is essential to Lindbergh wrestling fund raising efforts. Saturday was the freshman and JV tournaments. The varsity guys worked the JV tournament Saturday and then it was all hands on deck for the little league tournament Sunday. That weekend is a real pain but it raises a ton of money for us.
There were several tournament workers who completely mentally shut down but their prognosis is good and the shrink says that they will be talking again within a matter of weeks. That tournament is tough but it provides for the teams financial needs and we made it out the other side-so all is well that ends well.

Tom Korenak

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Tuesday's with Tommy

Last week we had two very tough duals against Northwest (what are they Northwest of anyway?) and Fort Zumalt West. We lost to them both fairly substantially on the score board but had similar number of wins. It came down to our inability to pin, and our deficiency in remaining unpinned. That is something that can be practiced this week in the room. Then on Saturday we went to the Jeff City Duals and on the bus ride we all got to know each other a little better. For those of you who don’t know what I’m talking about there was no heater on the bus and some of us resorted to cuddling for heat (No Shame!). After that fun little hick-up in our day we came out a little flat footed against Nixa.
Some people (myself included) lost matches that should have been a win and could have resulted in a win in the dual. Despite our rough beginnings in the tournament, we prevailed over the Lee’s Summit North Broncos by a slim margin and again over the Titans from Lee’s Summit West. Then we moved to dual the Jay of Jeff city. They ended up beating us by a few points but I think we did better than anyone there expected us to do. They were a tough team and we brought our A game: if we compete like we did against them we will continue to progress and there is no telling where will be at the end of the season. After that build up of steam we continued on to dual Cape Central and we brought down the hammer of Thor and all his might upon them! We dealt them an intense thrashing like a mother lion would to a hyena trying to make a meal out of here cubs! After that confidents builder we ended up taking 3rd over all.
This week may not look too pretty on the record sheet but I feel that there were many improvements that transpired, and in the end no one cares about any records outside of state and districts.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Wrestling Practice for Tuesday January 11th

We will practice today at 3:00 p.m. Please contact one of the coaches if you are unable to attend.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Lindbergh Wrestling Fanware Fan Ware

A new order of fan ware is has arrived. All apperal is athletic gray items and prices are a follows:

Short Sleve T-Shirt: $12

Long Sleve T-Shrit: $17

Hoodie: $25

You can purchase items at the dual tonight.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Tuesdays with Tommy

I’d like to take this time to address our performance at the Lee’s Summit Holiday Classic. We had three wrestlers make it out of their pools (Slyman, Massey, and Kew) and two placed (Slyman and Kew). That was a great triumph for those three but I felt like the rest of the team, especially myself, didn’t wrestle to our fullest potential. Personally I felt that the lack of performance was mainly due to mental hurdles as opposed to physical limitations. This year I have struggled to get into the right mindset but I think I got that figured out the second day of the tournament. We need to be able to extract something from our losses. The two day tournament format allowed for one to compare and contrast the mindset one took on each day and this allow one to learn. I did atrocious the first day and I was not very mentally focused; the second day I did well and I was extremely focused. Different people will require a different mindset but I require focusing intensely on the upcoming match. Figure out what you need and get ready. We all need to get mentally ready for our first dual against Northwest after break. Take this break to get ready!

Tom Korenak

Monday, January 3, 2011

JV and Little League Tournaments

This is a reminder to all wrestlers and parents that we host a JV tournament on Saturday January 15 and a little league tournament on Sunday the 16. Varsity wrestlers will help with the JV tournament and we will need all wrestlers to help with the little league tournament on Sunday.