Wrestling Sponsored Dunking Booth at Spirit Festival
Located in the Sports Challenge Area- by the inflatables
Spread the word!
Here is the schedule of participants offered for dunking so far:
10:00-11:00 Mary McCartney
11:0-12:00 Gretchen Moser
12:00-1:00 Brad Snyder
1:00-2:00 Coach Ball
2:00-3 Coach Hansel
Wrestlers: Looking for some willing participants to sit in the booth to be dunked. Have time slots opened from 3:00-5pm. The time slot can be as short as 15 minutes. Does not need to be a full hour. Students or teachers!
We are still in need a few helpers on Saturday. All parents received an email requesting their help- check it out and reply to Mrs. Rogers if you can help fill one of the time slots still available. We sure would love to see you on Saturday!
If you have any questions, please feel free to call or text me at 314-910-9555 – Susie Green (Cory’s mom)